Tuesday 22 December 2015

5 Major Things to Remember For Preventing Breast Cancer

A high percentage of women suffer from breast cancer. Controlling genes is not in your hand but you can definitely take powerful steps to protect yourself and take necessary preventive measures.
Here are five significant steps that you should follow to prevent breast cancer:
·       Clinical breast exam: Mammogram is necessary for the women at the age of 40, but they are not perfect screening tool, especially for those whose breasts are dense. That is the reason you must go for clinical breast exam every year. It helps to detect inflammatory cancer in your breast. Ductal carcinoma, the earliest stage of breast cancer, can be detected through mammograms. Therefore, you should go for both screenings.
·       Self breast exam: It is suggested that you examine your breast yourself at regular intervals. If you notice any kind of abnormality in your breast like, lump, swelling, change in the shape, dimpling of the skin, rash on the nipple, do not waste your time, go to the doctor immediately for examination. 
·       Active women are less prone: Exercise is not only good for your mind or waistline, women who regularly exercise are less prone to get breast cancer.
·       Breastfeeding reduce risk: Breast feeding is not only good for babies but it is good for the moms too. It reduces the risk of pre-menopausal cancer.
·       Healthy lifestyle: Maintaining proper weight, consuming less alcohol, eating leafy green vegetables and fortified cereals may reduce the risk of breast cancer.
In case, you find any abnormality in your breast, you may visit Dr.Patrick Borgen chairman of the Department of Surgery at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, Newyork and also head of the Brooklyn Breast Cancer Program at the Mainmonides Cancer Center who can examine you properly and can recommend you best solution available in medical science.